Source code for

"""simple helper functions to insure a simple link with the `io` module (and XASObject)"""

import logging
from typing import Optional, Union

import h5py
from import DataUrl

from est.units import ur
from est import settings
from import read_xas, write_xas
from est.core.types import XASObject
from est.core.types import dimensions as dimensions_mod
from import InputInformation
from import build_ascii_data_url

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DEFAULT_SPECTRA_PATH = "/data/NXdata/data"

DEFAULT_CHANNEL_PATH = "/data/NXdata/Channel"

DEFAULT_CONF_PATH = "/configuration"

[docs] def read_from_url( spectra_url, channel_url, dimensions: Optional[dimensions_mod.DimensionsType] = None, config_url=None, energy_unit=ur.eV, timeout=settings.DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT, ) -> XASObject: """ :param DataUrl spectra_url: data url to the spectra :param DataUrl channel_url: data url to the channel / energy :param DataUrl config_url: data url to the process configuration :param dimensions: way the data has been stored. Usually is (X, Y, channels) of (Channels, Y, X). If None, by default is considered to be (Z, Y, X) :type: tuple :return: :rtype: XASObject """ input_information = InputInformation( spectra_url=spectra_url, channel_url=channel_url, config_url=config_url, dimensions=dimensions, energy_unit=energy_unit, ) return read_from_input_information(input_information, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def read_from_input_information( information: InputInformation, timeout=settings.DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT ) -> XASObject: spectra, energy, configuration = read_xas(information=information, timeout=timeout) return XASObject(spectra=spectra, energy=energy, configuration=configuration)
[docs] def read_from_file( file_path: str, energy_unit=ur.eV, dimensions: Optional[dimensions_mod.DimensionsType] = None, columns_names: Optional[dict] = None, scan_title: Optional[str] = None, timeout=settings.DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT, ) -> XASObject: """ :param str file_path: path to the file containing the spectra. Must be a .dat file that pymca can handle or a .h5py with default path :param tuple dimensions: dimensions of the input data. For ASCII file can be (X, Y) or (Y, X) :param Union[None,tuple] columns: name of the column to take for .dat... files. :return XasObject created from the input :rtype: XASObject """ if file_path in (None, ""): return input_information = _init_input_information( file_path, energy_unit=energy_unit, dimensions=dimensions, columns_names=columns_names, scan_title=scan_title, ) return read_from_input_information(input_information, timeout=timeout)
def _init_input_information( file_path: str, energy_unit=ur.eV, dimensions: Optional[dimensions_mod.DimensionsType] = None, columns_names=None, scan_title=None, ) -> InputInformation: # TODO: we should be able to avoid calling the creation of an InputInformation if h5py.is_hdf5(file_path): return InputInformation( spectra_url=DataUrl( file_path=file_path, scheme="silx", data_path=DEFAULT_SPECTRA_PATH, ), channel_url=DataUrl( file_path=file_path, scheme="silx", data_path=DEFAULT_CHANNEL_PATH, ), config_url=DataUrl( file_path=file_path, scheme="silx", data_path="configuration" ), energy_unit=energy_unit, dimensions=dimensions, ) return InputInformation( spectra_url=build_ascii_data_url( file_path=file_path, col_name=columns_names["mu"], scan_title=scan_title, ), channel_url=build_ascii_data_url( file_path=file_path, col_name=columns_names["energy"], scan_title=scan_title, ), energy_unit=energy_unit, dimensions=dimensions, )
[docs] def dump_xas(h5_file: str, xas_obj: Union[dict, XASObject]) -> None: """ Save a XASObject in an hdf5 file. """ if isinstance(xas_obj, dict): xas_obj = XASObject.from_dict(xas_obj) if not h5_file: _logger.warning("no output file defined, please give path to the output file") h5_file = input()"dump xas obj to '%s'", h5_file) write_xas( h5_file=h5_file,, mu=xas_obj.absorbed_beam(), entry=xas_obj.entry, )