Source code for est.core.process.process

"""module for process base class"""

import logging
from ewokscore.taskwithprogress import TaskWithProgress as Task
from est.core.types import XASObject
from .progress import Progress
from ..utils import extract_properties_from_dict
from ... import __version__

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Process(Task, register=False): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._advancement = Progress( self.__stop = False """flag to notice when a end of process is required""" self._settings = {} # configuration self._callbacks = [] def __init_subclass__(subclass, name="", **kwargs): super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) subclass._NAME = name @property def name(self) -> str: return self._NAME
[docs] def stop(self): self.__stop = True
@property def advancement(self): return self._advancement @advancement.setter def advancement(self, advancement): assert isinstance(advancement, Progress) self._advancement = advancement @property def callbacks(self): return self._callbacks
[docs] @staticmethod def getXasObject(xas_obj) -> XASObject: if isinstance(xas_obj, dict): _xas_obj = XASObject.from_dict(xas_obj) else: _xas_obj = xas_obj assert isinstance(_xas_obj, XASObject) if _xas_obj.n_spectrum > 0: _xas_obj.spectra.check_validity() assert isinstance(_xas_obj, XASObject) return _xas_obj
[docs] def program_name(self) -> str: """ :return: name of the process to be saved in HDF5 :rtype: dict """ return self.class_registry_name().split(".")[-1]
[docs] @staticmethod def program_version() -> str: """ :return: version of the process to be saved in HDF5 :rtype: dict """ return __version__
[docs] @staticmethod def definition(self) -> str: """ :return: definition of the process to be saved in HDF5 :rtype: dict """ raise NotImplementedError("Base class")
[docs] def getConfiguration(self) -> dict: """ :return: parameters of the process to be saved in HDF5 :rtype: dict """ if len(self._settings) > 0: return self._settings else: return None
[docs] def setConfiguration(self, configuration: dict): # filter configuration from orange widgets if "__version__" in configuration: del configuration["__version__"] if "savedWidgetGeometry" in configuration: del configuration["savedWidgetGeometry"] if "savedWidgetGeometry" in configuration: del configuration["savedWidgetGeometry"] if "controlAreaVisible" in configuration: del configuration["controlAreaVisible"] self._settings = configuration
[docs] def addCallback(self, callback): self._callbacks.append(callback)
[docs] def update_properties(self, properties): if properties is None: return if isinstance(properties, str): properties = extract_properties_from_dict(properties) self._settings.update(properties)