Source code for est.gui.XasObjectViewer

"""Tools to visualize spectra"""

from est.core.types import XASObject, Spectrum
from est.core.utils.symbol import MU_CHAR
from silx.gui import qt
from silx.gui.plot import Plot1D
from silx.gui.plot.StackView import StackViewMainWindow
from silx.utils.enum import Enum
from silx.gui.widgets.FrameBrowser import HorizontalSliderWithBrowser
from est.gui import icons
from silx.gui import icons as silx_icons
from silx.gui.colors import Colormap
from typing import Iterable
from ewokscore.missing_data import is_missing_data
import numpy
import silx
import logging

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# median spectrum view
silx_version = silx.version.split(".")
if not (int(silx_version[0]) == 0 and int(silx_version[1]) <= 11):
    silx_plot_has_baseline_feature = True
    silx_plot_has_baseline_feature = False
        "a more recent of silx is required to display " "mean spectrum (0.12)"

[docs] class ViewType(Enum): map = (0,) spectrum = (1,)
class _SpectrumViewAction(qt.QAction): def __init__(self, parent=None, iView=0): qt.QAction.__init__(self, "spectrum view", parent=parent) assert iView in (0, 1) # for now we can only deal with two plot at max # otherwise no more icon color to display self._iView = iView if iView == 0: icon = "item-1dim" elif iView == 1: icon = "item-1dim-black" else: # if necessary: add more icons, this is the only limitation raise NotImplementedError("Only two spectrum views are maanged") spectrum_icon = icons.getQIcon(icon) self.setIcon(spectrum_icon) self.setCheckable(True) class _MapViewAction(qt.QAction): def __init__(self, parent=None): qt.QAction.__init__(self, "map view", parent=parent) map_icon = silx_icons.getQIcon("image") self.setIcon(map_icon) self.setCheckable(True)
[docs] class XasObjectViewer(qt.QMainWindow): """Viewer dedicated to view a XAS object :param QObject parent: Qt parent :param list mapKeys: list of str keys to propose for the map display :param list spectrumsPlots: list of keys if several spectrum plot should be proposed. """ viewTypeChanged = qt.Signal() """emitted when the view type change""" def __init__(self, parent=None, mapKeys=None, spectrumPlots=None): qt.QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.setWindowFlags(qt.Qt.Widget) # main stack widget self._mainWidget = qt.QWidget(parent=self) self._mainWidget.setLayout(qt.QVBoxLayout()) self.setCentralWidget(self._mainWidget) # map view self._mapView = MapViewer(parent=self, keys=mapKeys) self._mainWidget.layout().addWidget(self._mapView) # spectrum view self._spectrumViews = [] if spectrumPlots is not None: spectrum_views_ = spectrumPlots else: spectrum_views_ = ("",) for _ in range(len(spectrum_views_)): spectrumView = SpectrumViewer(parent=self) self._mainWidget.layout().addWidget(spectrumView) self._spectrumViews.append(spectrumView) # add toolbar toolbar = qt.QToolBar("") toolbar.setIconSize(qt.QSize(32, 32)) self._spectrumViewActions = [] self.view_actions = qt.QActionGroup(self) for iSpectrumView, tooltip in enumerate(spectrum_views_): spectrumViewAction = _SpectrumViewAction(parent=None, iView=iSpectrumView) self.view_actions.addAction(spectrumViewAction) self._spectrumViewActions.append(spectrumViewAction) spectrumViewAction.setToolTip(tooltip) toolbar.addAction(spectrumViewAction) self._mapViewAction = _MapViewAction() toolbar.addAction(self._mapViewAction) self.view_actions.addAction(self._mapViewAction) self.addToolBar(qt.Qt.LeftToolBarArea, toolbar) toolbar.setMovable(False) # connect signal / Slot self._mapViewAction.triggered.connect(self._updateView) for spectrumAction in self._spectrumViewActions: spectrumAction.triggered.connect(self._updateView) # initialize self._spectrumViewActions[0].setChecked(True) self._updateView() def _updateView(self, *arg, **kwargs): index, view_type = self.getViewType() self._mapView.setVisible(view_type is for iView, spectrumView in enumerate(self._spectrumViews): spectrumView.setVisible(view_type is ViewType.spectrum and iView == index) self.viewTypeChanged.emit()
[docs] def getViewType(self): if self._mapViewAction.isChecked(): return None, else: for spectrumViewAction in self._spectrumViewActions: if spectrumViewAction.isChecked(): return spectrumViewAction._iView, ViewType.spectrum return None, None
[docs] def setXASObj(self, xas_obj): self._mapView.clear() self._mapView.setXasObject(xas_obj) for spectrumView in self._spectrumViews: spectrumView.clear() spectrumView.setXasObject(xas_obj)
[docs] class MapViewer(qt.QWidget): """ Widget to display different map of the spectra """ sigFrameChanged = qt.Signal(int) """Signal emitter when the frame number has changed.""" def __init__(self, parent=None, keys=None): """ :param parent: :param keys: volume keys to display for the xasObject (Mu, NormalizedMu...) """ assert keys is not None self._xasObj = None qt.QWidget.__init__(self, parent=parent) self.setLayout(qt.QVBoxLayout()) self._mainWindow = StackViewMainWindow(parent=parent) self.layout().addWidget(self._mainWindow) self.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.layout().setSpacing(0) self._mainWindow.setKeepDataAspectRatio(True) self._mainWindow.setColormap(Colormap(name="temperature")) # define the keys combobox self._keyWidget = qt.QWidget(parent=self) self._keyWidget.setLayout(qt.QHBoxLayout()) self._keyComboBox = qt.QComboBox(parent=self._keyWidget) for key in keys: self._keyComboBox.addItem(key) self._keyWidget.layout().addWidget(qt.QLabel("view: ")) self._keyWidget.layout().addWidget(self._keyComboBox) self.keySelectionDocker = qt.QDockWidget(parent=self) self.keySelectionDocker.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self._keyWidget.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self._keyWidget.layout().setSpacing(0) self.keySelectionDocker.setWidget(self._keyWidget) # self._mainWindow.addDockWidget(qt.Qt.TopDockWidgetArea, dockWidget) self.keySelectionDocker.setAllowedAreas(qt.Qt.TopDockWidgetArea) self.keySelectionDocker.setFeatures(qt.QDockWidget.NoDockWidgetFeatures) # expose API self.getActiveImage = self._mainWindow.getActiveImage self.menuBar = self._mainWindow.menuBar # connect signal / slot self._keyComboBox.currentTextChanged.connect(self._updateView) self._mainWindow.sigFrameChanged.connect(self._shareFrameChangedSignal)
[docs] def clear(self): self._mainWindow.clear()
[docs] def getActiveKey(self): return self._keyComboBox.currentText()
[docs] def setXasObject(self, xas_obj): self._xasObj = xas_obj self._updateView()
def _updateView(self, *args, **kwargs): if self._xasObj is None: return # set the map view spectra_volume = self._xasObj.spectra.map_to( data_info=self.getActiveKey(), ) self._mainWindow.setStack(spectra_volume)
[docs] def getPlot(self): return self._mainWindow.getPlotWidget()
def _shareFrameChangedSignal(self, frame): self.sigFrameChanged.emit(frame)
[docs] def setPerspectiveVisible(self, b): """hide the dimension selection""" self._mainWindow.setOptionVisible(b) self._mainWindow._browser.setVisible(True)
class _ExtendedSliderWithBrowser(HorizontalSliderWithBrowser): def __init__(self, parent=None, name=None): HorizontalSliderWithBrowser.__init__(self, parent) self.layout().insertWidget(0, qt.QLabel(str(name + ":"))) class _CurveOperation: def __init__( self, x, y, legend, yaxis=None, linestyle=None, symbol=None, color=None, ylabel=None, baseline=None, alpha=1.0, ): self.x = x self.y = y self.legend = legend self.yaxis = yaxis self.linestyle = linestyle self.symbol = symbol self.color = color self.ylabel = ylabel self.baseline = baseline self.alpha = alpha class _XMarkerOperation: def __init__(self, x, legend, color="blue", text=None): self.x = x self.legend = legend self.color = color self.text = text class _YMarkerOperation: def __init__(self, y, legend, color="blue", text=None): self.y = y self.legend = legend self.color = color self.text = text class _RawDataList(qt.QTableWidget): def __init__(self, parent): qt.QTableWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.clear() def setData(self, x: Iterable, y: Iterable): if len(x) != len(y): raise ValueError("x and y should have the same number of element") self.setRowCount(len(x)) self.setHorizontalHeaderLabels( ["X (energy converted to eV)", "Y ({})".format(MU_CHAR)] ) for i_row, (x_value, y_value) in enumerate(zip(x, y)): x_item = qt.QTableWidgetItem() x_item.setText(str(x_value)) self.setItem(i_row, 0, x_item) y_item = qt.QTableWidgetItem() y_item.setText(str(y_value)) self.setItem(i_row, 1, y_item) self.resizeColumnsToContents() def clear(self): super().clear() self.setHorizontalHeaderLabels( ["X (energy converted to eV)", "Y ({})".format(MU_CHAR)] ) self.setRowCount(0) self.setColumnCount(2) self.setSortingEnabled(True) self.verticalHeader().hide()
[docs] class SpectrumViewer(qt.QMainWindow): sigSpectrumChanged = qt.Signal() """Signal emitted when the spectrum change""" def __init__(self, parent=None): self._curveOperations = [] """List of callaback to produce plot regarding the XASObject. Callback function should return a _curve_operation""" qt.QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.xas_obj = None self._plotWidget = Plot1D(parent=self) self._rawDataWidget = _RawDataList(parent=self) self._tabWidget = qt.QTabWidget(self) self._tabWidget.addTab(self._plotWidget, "plot") self._tabWidget.addTab(self._rawDataWidget, "data as text") self.setCentralWidget(self._tabWidget) # frame browsers dockWidget = qt.QDockWidget(self) frameBrowsers = qt.QWidget(parent=self) frameBrowsers.setLayout(qt.QVBoxLayout()) frameBrowsers.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self._dim1FrameBrowser = _ExtendedSliderWithBrowser(parent=self, name="dim 1") frameBrowsers.layout().addWidget(self._dim1FrameBrowser) self._dim2FrameBrowser = _ExtendedSliderWithBrowser(parent=self, name="dim 2") frameBrowsers.layout().addWidget(self._dim2FrameBrowser) dockWidget.setWidget(frameBrowsers) self.addDockWidget(qt.Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea, dockWidget) dockWidget.setAllowedAreas(qt.Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea) dockWidget.setFeatures(qt.QDockWidget.NoDockWidgetFeatures) # connect signal / slot self._dim1FrameBrowser.valueChanged.connect(self._updateSpectrumDisplayed) self._dim2FrameBrowser.valueChanged.connect(self._updateSpectrumDisplayed)
[docs] def addCurveOperation(self, callbacks): """register an curve to display from Xasobject keys, and a legend :param callbacks: callback to call when displaying a specific curve :type: Union[list,tuple,function] """ if isinstance(callbacks, (list, tuple)): for callback in callbacks: self.addCurveOperation(callback) else: self._curveOperations.append(callbacks)
[docs] def clearCurveOperations(self): """Remove all defined curve operation""" self._curveOperations.clear()
[docs] def setXasObject(self, xas_obj): if xas_obj is None or is_missing_data(xas_obj): self.xas_obj = None self.clear() else: self.xas_obj = xas_obj assert self.xas_obj.spectra.shape[0] >= 0 assert self.xas_obj.spectra.shape[1] >= 0 self._dim1FrameBrowser.setRange(0, self.xas_obj.spectra.shape[0] - 1) self._dim2FrameBrowser.setRange(0, self.xas_obj.spectra.shape[1] - 1) self._updateSpectrumDisplayed()
[docs] def getCurrentSpectrum(self): """ Return the spectrum currently selected """ if self.xas_obj is None: return None dim1_index = self._dim1FrameBrowser.value() dim2_index = self._dim2FrameBrowser.value() if dim1_index < 0 or dim2_index < 0: return None assert dim1_index >= 0 assert dim2_index >= 0 return self.xas_obj.get_spectrum(dim1_index, dim2_index)
def _updateSpectrumDisplayed(self, *args, **kwargs): dim1_index = self._dim1FrameBrowser.value() spectrum = self.getCurrentSpectrum() if spectrum is None: return # update raw data tab self._rawDataWidget.setData(, # update plot tab for operation in self._curveOperations: curves = operation(spectrum) if curves is None: continue else: curves = list(curves) if silx_plot_has_baseline_feature is True: new_curves_op = operation(self.xas_obj, index=dim1_index) if new_curves_op is not None: curves.extend(new_curves_op) for res in curves: # result can be None or nan if the processing fails. So in this # case we won't display anything if res is not None: if isinstance(res, _CurveOperation): if res.x is None or res.x is numpy.nan: continue kwargs = { "x": res.x, "y": res.y, "legend": res.legend, "yaxis": res.yaxis, "linestyle": res.linestyle, "symbol": res.symbol, "color": res.color, "ylabel": res.ylabel, } if silx_plot_has_baseline_feature: kwargs["baseline"] = (res.baseline,) curve = self._plotWidget.addCurve(**kwargs) curve = self._plotWidget.getCurve(curve) curve.setAlpha(res.alpha) elif isinstance(res, _XMarkerOperation): if res.x is None or res.x is numpy.nan: continue self._plotWidget.addXMarker( x=res.x, color=res.color, legend=res.legend, text=res.text, ) elif isinstance(res, _YMarkerOperation): if res.y is None or res.y is numpy.nan: continue self._plotWidget.addYMarker( y=res.y, color=res.color, legend=res.legend, text=res.text, ) else: raise TypeError( "this type of operation {} is not recognized. Details {}".format( type(res), res ) ) self.sigSpectrumChanged.emit()
[docs] def clear(self): self._plotWidget.clear() self._dim1FrameBrowser.setMaximum(-1) self._dim2FrameBrowser.setMaximum(-1) self._rawDataWidget.clear()
[docs] def setYAxisLogarithmic(self, val): self._plotWidget.setYAxisLogarithmic(val)
COLOR_MEAN = "black" COLOR_STD = "grey" def _get_energy_for(obj, values): """Depending on if this is pymca or larch we might need to get the normalized energy instead of the energy""" if values is None: return None elif len(values) == len( return else: return obj.normalized_energy def _plot_norm(obj, **kwargs): if isinstance(obj, XASObject): assert "index" in kwargs index_dim1 = kwargs["index"] spectra = obj.spectra.map_to("normalized_mu", relative_to="normalized_energy") spectra = spectra[:, index_dim1, :] mean = numpy.mean(spectra, axis=1) std = numpy.std(spectra, axis=1) energy = _get_energy_for(obj, mean) c1 = _CurveOperation( x=energy, y=mean, color=COLOR_MEAN, legend="mean norm", alpha=0.5 ) c2 = _CurveOperation( x=obj.normalized_energy, y=mean + std, baseline=mean - std, color=COLOR_STD, legend="std norm", alpha=0.5, ) return c1, c2 elif isinstance(obj, Spectrum): if obj.normalized_mu is None: _logger.error("norm has not been computed yet") return energy = _get_energy_for(obj, obj.normalized_mu) c1 = _CurveOperation( x=energy, y=obj.normalized_mu, legend="norm", color="black" ) operations = [ c1, ] try: flat = obj.flat operations.append( _CurveOperation( x=energy, y=flat, legend="flat normalized mu", color="blue", ) ) except Exception: pass return tuple(operations) def _plot_flatten_mu(obj, **kwargs): if not isinstance(obj, Spectrum): return None if obj.flatten_mu is None: _logger.error("norm_area has not been computed yet") return None energy = _get_energy_for(obj, obj.flatten_mu) return ( _CurveOperation( x=energy, y=obj.flatten_mu, legend="flatten_mu", color="orange" ), ) def _plot_mback_mu(obj, **kwargs): if not isinstance(obj, Spectrum): return None if not hasattr(obj, "mback_mu"): _logger.error("mback_mu has not been computed yet") return energy = _get_energy_for(obj, obj.mback_mu) return ( _CurveOperation(x=energy, y=obj.mback_mu, legend="mback_mu", color="orange"), ) def _plot_pre_edge(obj, **kwargs): if not isinstance(obj, Spectrum): return None if obj.pre_edge is None: _logger.error("pre_edge has not been computed yet") return energy = _get_energy_for(obj, obj.pre_edge) return ( _CurveOperation(x=energy, y=obj.pre_edge, legend="pre edge", color="green"), ) def _plot_post_edge(obj, **kwargs): if not isinstance(obj, Spectrum): return None if obj.post_edge is None: _logger.error("post_edge has not been computed yet") return energy = _get_energy_for(obj, obj.post_edge) return ( _CurveOperation(x=energy, y=obj.post_edge, legend="post edge", color="blue"), ) def _plot_edge(obj, **kwargs): if not isinstance(obj, Spectrum): return None if not hasattr(obj, "e0"): _logger.error("e0 has not been computed yet") return return (_XMarkerOperation(x=obj.e0, legend="edge", color="yellow"),) def _plot_raw(obj, **kwargs): if isinstance(obj, Spectrum): if is None: _logger.error("mu not existing") return energy = _get_energy_for(obj, return (_CurveOperation(x=energy,, legend="raw mu", color="red"),) elif isinstance(obj, XASObject): assert "index" in kwargs index_dim1 = kwargs["index"] spectra = obj.spectra.map_to("normalized_mu", relative_to="normalized_energy") spectra = spectra[:, index_dim1, :] mean = numpy.mean(spectra, axis=1) std = numpy.std(spectra, axis=1) energy = _get_energy_for(obj, obj.normalized_energy) return ( _CurveOperation( x=energy, y=mean, color=COLOR_MEAN, legend="mean mu", alpha=0.5 ), _CurveOperation( x=energy, y=mean + std, baseline=mean - std, color=COLOR_STD, legend="mu std", alpha=0.5, ), ) else: raise ValueError("input type is not manged") def _plot_fpp(obj, **kwargs): if not isinstance(obj, Spectrum): return None if not hasattr(obj, "fpp"): _logger.error("fpp has not been computed yet") return energy = _get_energy_for(obj, obj.fpp) return (_CurveOperation(x=energy, y=obj.fpp, legend="fpp", color="blue"),) def _plot_f2(obj, **kwargs): if not isinstance(obj, Spectrum): return None if not hasattr(obj, "f2"): _logger.error("f2 has not been computed yet") return energy = _get_energy_for(obj, obj.f2) return (_CurveOperation(x=energy, y=obj.f2, legend="f2", color="orange"),) def _plot_chi(obj, **kwargs): if not isinstance(obj, Spectrum): return None if not hasattr(obj, "k"): _logger.error("k not computed, unable to display it") return if not hasattr(obj, "chi"): _logger.error("chi not computed, unable to display it") return return (_CurveOperation(x=obj.k, y=obj.chi, legend="chi(k)"),) def _plot_chir_mag(obj, **kwargs): if not isinstance(obj, Spectrum): return None if not hasattr(obj, "r"): _logger.error("r not computed, unable to display it") return if not hasattr(obj, "chir_mag"): _logger.error("chir_mag not computed, unable to display it") return return (_CurveOperation(x=obj.r, y=obj.chir_mag, legend="|FT(R)|"),) def _plot_chir_re(obj, **kwargs): if not isinstance(obj, Spectrum): return None if not hasattr(obj, "r"): _logger.error("r not computed, unable to display it") return if not hasattr(obj, "chir_re"): _logger.error("chir_re not computed, unable to display it") return return (_CurveOperation(x=obj.r, y=obj.chir_re, legend="Re(FT(R))"),) def _plot_chir_imag(obj, **kwargs): if not isinstance(obj, Spectrum): return None if not hasattr(obj, "r"): _logger.error("r not computed, unable to display it") return if not hasattr(obj, "chir_im"): _logger.error("chir_im not computed, unable to display it") return return (_CurveOperation(x=obj.r, y=obj.chir_im, legend="Im(FT(R))"),) def _plot_chi_weighted_k(obj, **kwargs): if not isinstance(obj, Spectrum): return None if not hasattr(obj, "k"): _logger.error("k not computed, unable to display it") return if not hasattr(obj, "chi_weighted_k"): _logger.error("chi_weighted_k not computed, unable to display it") return return (_CurveOperation(x=obj.k, y=obj.chi_weighted_k, legend="chi(k) * k_weight"),) def _plot_spectrum(obj, **kwargs): if not isinstance(obj, Spectrum): return None energy = _get_energy_for(obj, return ( _CurveOperation( x=energy,, legend="spectrum", yaxis=None, color="blue" ), ) def _plot_bkg(obj, **kwargs): if not isinstance(obj, Spectrum): return None if "bkg" not in obj.larch_dict: _logger.error("missing bkg parameter, unable to compute bkg plot") return energy = _get_energy_for(obj, obj.larch_dict["bkg"]) return ( _CurveOperation( x=energy, y=obj.larch_dict["bkg"], legend="bkg", yaxis=None, color="red" ), ) # def _plot_knots(obj, **kwargs): # if not isinstance(obj, Spectrum): # return None # if not hasattr(obj, "autobk_details"): # _logger.error("missing bkg parameter, unable to compute bkg plot") # return # if not hasattr(obj.autobk_details, "knots_y"): # _logger.error("missing knots_y, unable to print output") # return # if not hasattr(obj.autobk_details, "knots_e"): # _logger.error("missing knots_e, unable to print output") # return # return ( # _CurveOperation( # x=obj.autobk_details.knots_e, # knots_e does not exists anymore. We would need to recompute it. Not trivial. Not sure we need this plot # y=obj.autobk_details.knots_y, # legend="knots", # yaxis=None, # color="green", # linestyle="", # symbol="o", # ), # ) def _exafs_signal_plot(obj, **kwargs): if not isinstance(obj, Spectrum): return None if obj.k is None or "KMin" not in obj.pymca_dict or "KMax" not in obj.pymca_dict: _logger.error( "k or some keys are missing in pymca_dict (`KMin`, `KMax`). Is Exafs has been executed ?" ) return None k = obj.k if "KMin" not in obj.pymca_dict: obj.pymca_dict["KMin"] = k.min() if "KMax" not in obj.pymca_dict: obj.pymca_dict["KMax"] = k.max() idx = (obj.k >= obj.pymca_dict["KMin"]) & (obj.k <= obj.pymca_dict["KMax"]) x = k[idx] y = obj.chi[idx] return (_CurveOperation(x=x, y=y, legend="EXAFSSignal (chi)"),) def _exafs_postedge_plot(obj, **kwargs): if not isinstance(obj, Spectrum): return None if ( obj.k is None or "PostEdgeB" not in obj.pymca_dict or "KMin" not in obj.pymca_dict or "KMax" not in obj.pymca_dict ): _logger.error( "k or some keys are missing in pymca_dict (`PostEdgeB`, `KMin`, `KMax`). Is Exafs has been executed ?" ) return None k = obj.k if "KMin" not in obj.pymca_dict: obj.pymca_dict["KMin"] = k.min() if "KMax" not in obj.pymca_dict: obj.pymca_dict["KMax"] = k.max() idx = (obj.k >= obj.pymca_dict["KMin"]) & (obj.k <= obj.pymca_dict["KMax"]) x = obj.k[idx] y = obj.pymca_dict["PostEdgeB"][idx] return (_CurveOperation(x=x, y=y, legend="PostEdge"),) def _exafs_knots_plot(obj, **kwargs): if not isinstance(obj, Spectrum): return None if "KnotsX" not in obj.pymca_dict or "KnotsY" not in obj.pymca_dict: _logger.error( "`KnotsX` or `KnotsY` is missing from spectrum pymca_dict. Unable to plot it" ) return x = obj.pymca_dict["KnotsX"] y = obj.pymca_dict["KnotsY"] return (_CurveOperation(x=x, y=y, legend="Knots", linestyle="", symbol="o"),) def _normalized_exafs(obj, **kwargs): if not isinstance(obj, Spectrum): return None assert isinstance(obj, Spectrum) if obj.k is None or "EXAFSNormalized" not in obj.pymca_dict: _logger.error( "k not computed or `EXAFSNormalized` not in the pymca_dict. Unable to plot" ) return None if "KWeight" in obj.pymca_dict: if obj.pymca_dict["KWeight"] == 1: ylabel = "EXAFS Signal * k" else: ylabel = "EXAFS Signal * k^%d" % obj.pymca_dict["KWeight"] else: ylabel = "EXAFS Signal" idx = (obj.k >= obj.pymca_dict["KMin"]) & (obj.k <= obj.pymca_dict["KMax"]) return ( _CurveOperation( x=obj.k[idx], y=obj.pymca_dict["EXAFSNormalized"][idx], legend="Normalized EXAFS", ylabel=ylabel, ), ) def _ft_window_plot(obj, **kwargs): if not isinstance(obj, Spectrum): return None missing_keys = obj.ft.get_missing_keys(("K", "WindowWeight")) if len(missing_keys) > 0: _logger.error(f"missing keys {missing_keys} unable to compute normalized EXAFS") return None return ( _CurveOperation( x=obj.ft["K"], y=obj.ft["WindowWeight"], legend="FT Window", yaxis="right", color="red", ), ) def _ft_intensity_plot(obj, **kwargs): if not isinstance(obj, Spectrum): return None missing_keys = obj.ft.get_missing_keys(("FTRadius", "FTIntensity")) if len(missing_keys) > 0: _logger.error("missing keys:", missing_keys, "unable to compute spectrum plot") return return ( _CurveOperation( x=obj.ft["FTRadius"], y=obj.ft["FTIntensity"], legend="FT Intensity" ), ) def _ft_imaginary_plot(obj, **kwargs): if not isinstance(obj, Spectrum): return None missing_keys = obj.ft.get_missing_keys(("FTRadius", "FTImaginary")) if len(missing_keys) > 0: _logger.error("missing keys:", missing_keys, "unable to compute spectrum plot") return return ( _CurveOperation( x=obj.ft["FTRadius"], y=obj.ft["FTImaginary"], legend="FT Imaginary", color="red", ), ) def _plot_noise_savgol(obj, **kwargs): if not isinstance(obj, Spectrum): return None if not hasattr(obj, "noise_savgol"): _logger.error("noise has not been computed yet") return energy = return ( _CurveOperation(x=energy, y=obj.noise_savgol, legend="noise", color="blue"), _XMarkerOperation( x=obj.larch_dict["noise_e_min"], legend="e_min", color="gray", text="E start", ), _XMarkerOperation( x=obj.larch_dict["noise_e_max"], legend="e_max", color="brown", text="E end", ), ) def _plot_norm_noise_savgol(obj, **kwargs): if not isinstance(obj, Spectrum): return None if not hasattr(obj, "norm_noise_savgol"): _logger.error("noise has not been computed yet") return return ( _YMarkerOperation( y=obj.norm_noise_savgol, legend="normalized noise", color="red", text="mean normalized noise", ), ) def _plot_raw_noise_savgol(obj, **kwargs): if not isinstance(obj, Spectrum): return None if not hasattr(obj, "raw_noise_savgol"): _logger.error("noise has not been computed yet") return return ( _YMarkerOperation( y=obj.raw_noise_savgol, legend="raw noise", color="orange", text="mean raw noise", ), )