Source code for est.gui.icons

"""Set of icons for buttons.

Use :func:`getQIcon` to create Qt QIcon from the name identifying an icon.

import logging
from typing import List
import weakref
from silx.gui import qt
from est import resources

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_cached_icons = None
"""Cache loaded icons in a weak structure"""

[docs] def getIconCache(): """Get access to all cached icons :rtype: dict """ global _cached_icons if _cached_icons is None: _cached_icons = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() # Clean up the cache before leaving the application # See qt.QApplication.instance().aboutToQuit.connect(cleanIconCache) return _cached_icons
[docs] def cleanIconCache(): """Clean up the icon cache""" _cached_icons.clear()
_supported_formats = None """Order of file format extension to check""" def _get_supported_formats() -> List[str]: global _supported_formats if _supported_formats is None: _supported_formats = [] supported_formats = qt.supportedImageFormats() order = ["mng", "gif", "svg", "png", "jpg"] for format_ in order: if format_ in supported_formats: _supported_formats.append(format_) if len(_supported_formats) == 0: _logger.error("No format supported for icons") else: _logger.debug("Format %s supported", ", ".join(_supported_formats)) return _supported_formats
[docs] def getQIcon(name: str) -> qt.QIcon: """Create a QIcon from its name. :param str name: Name of the icon. :return: Corresponding QIcon :raises: ValueError when name is not known """ cached_icons = getIconCache() if name not in cached_icons: qfile = _getQFile(f"icons/{name}") icon = qt.QIcon(qfile.fileName()) cached_icons[name] = icon else: icon = cached_icons[name] return icon
def _getQFile(name: str) -> qt.QFile: """Create a QFile from an icon name. Filename is found according to supported Qt formats. :param str name: Name of the icon. :return: Corresponding QFile :rtype: qt.QFile :raises: ValueError when name is not known """ for format_ in _get_supported_formats(): try: filename = resources.resource_path("%s.%s" % (name, format_)) except FileNotFoundError: continue return qt.QFile(str(filename)) raise ValueError("Not an icon name: %s" % name)