Source code for

import logging
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy
from import DataUrl
from silx.utils.enum import Enum
from import File as HDF5File
from import dicttoh5, dicttonx

from est import settings
from est.units import ur
from est.core.types import Spectra
from est.core.types import dimensions as dimensions_mod
from import get_data_from_url
from import get_est_data
from import get_ascii_data
from import split_ascii_url

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class InputType(Enum): ascii_spectrum = "ascii" # signle or multi scan, single spectrum hdf5_spectra = "hdf5" # multi scan, multi spectra
[docs] def load_data( data_url: DataUrl, name: str, dimensions: dimensions_mod.DimensionsType, columns_names: Optional[dict] = None, energy_unit=ur.eV, timeout=settings.DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT, ) -> Union[None, dict, numpy.ndarray, Spectra]: """ Load a specific data from a url. Manage the different scheme (silx, fabio, numpy, PyMca, xraylarch) :param data_url: silx DataUrl with path to the data :type: DataUrl :param str name: name of the data we want to load. Should be in ('spectra', 'energy', 'configuration') :param Union[None,dict] columns_names: name of the column to pick for .dat files... Expect key 'mu' and 'energy' to be registered :return: data loaded :rtype: Union[None,dict,numpy.ndarray] """ if data_url is None: return None assert isinstance(data_url, DataUrl) scheme = data_url.scheme().lower() if scheme in ("ascii", "spec", "pymca", "pymca5", "larch", "xraylarch"): return get_ascii_data( data_url, name, columns_names=columns_names, energy_unit=energy_unit ) if scheme == "numpy": return _move_axes_to_standard(numpy.load(data_url.file_path()), dimensions) if scheme == "est": assert name == "spectra" spectra = get_est_data(data_url, retry_timeout=timeout) return Spectra(energy=spectra[0].energy, spectra=spectra) if not data_url.is_valid(): _logger.warning("invalid url for %s: %s", name, data_url) return try: data = get_data_from_url(data_url, retry_timeout=timeout) except ValueError as e: _logger.error(e) return if name == "spectra": if data.ndim == 1: return data.reshape(data.shape[0], 1, 1) elif data.ndim == 3: return _move_axes_to_standard(data, dimensions=dimensions) return data
def _move_axes_to_standard(spectra, dimensions: dimensions_mod.DimensionsType): if isinstance(spectra, Spectra): = dimensions_mod.transform_to_standard(, dimensions) elif isinstance(spectra, numpy.ndarray): spectra = dimensions_mod.transform_to_standard(spectra, dimensions) return spectra
[docs] def read_xas(information, timeout=settings.DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT): """ Read the given spectra, configuration... from the provided input Information :param InputInformation informationUnion: :return: spectra, energy, configuration """ _spectra_url = _get_url(original_url=information.spectra_url, name="spectra") _energy_url = _get_url(original_url=information.channel_url, name="energy") _config_url = information.config_url if type(_config_url) is str and _config_url == "": _config_url = None if not (_config_url is None or isinstance(_config_url, DataUrl)): raise TypeError("given input for configuration is invalid") # build column name columns_names = {} for url, col_name in zip( [information.spectra_url, information.channel_url, information.mu_ref_url], ["mu", "energy", "monitor"], ): if url is not None: columns_names[col_name] = split_ascii_url(url)["col_name"] else: columns_names[col_name] = None # this should be extractable and done in the InputInformation class spectra = load_data( _spectra_url, name="spectra", dimensions=information.dimensions, columns_names=columns_names, energy_unit=information.energy_unit, timeout=timeout, ) energy = load_data( _energy_url, name="energy", dimensions=information.dimensions, columns_names=columns_names, energy_unit=information.energy_unit, timeout=timeout, ) configuration = load_data( _config_url, name="configuration", dimensions=information.dimensions, columns_names=columns_names, energy_unit=information.energy_unit, timeout=timeout, ) if energy is None: raise ValueError("Unable to load energy from {}".format(_energy_url)) if not energy.ndim == 1: raise ValueError("Energy / channel is not 1D") if energy.shape[0] > spectra.shape[0]: energy = energy[: spectra.shape[0]] _logger.warning("energy has less value than spectra. Clip energy.") if not energy.shape[0] == spectra.shape[0]: _logger.warning( "Energy / channel and spectra dim1 have incoherent length (%s vs %s)" % ( energy.shape[0], spectra.shape[0], ) ) if energy.shape[0] < spectra.shape[0]: spectra = spectra[: energy.shape[0]] else: energy = energy[: spectra.shape[0]] not_strictly_increasing = numpy.diff(energy) <= 0 if not_strictly_increasing.any(): _logger.warning("Energy is not strictly increasing: sort data by energy") idx = numpy.argsort(energy) energy = energy[idx] spectra = spectra[idx] has_duplicates = numpy.diff(energy) == 0 if has_duplicates.any(): _logger.warning("Energy has duplicate values: remove duplicates") energy, idx = numpy.unique(energy, return_index=True) spectra = spectra[idx] return spectra, energy * information.energy_unit, configuration
def _get_url(original_url, name): url_ = original_url if isinstance(url_, str): try: url_ = DataUrl(path=url_) except Exception: url_ = DataUrl(file_path=url_, scheme="PyMca") if not isinstance(url_, DataUrl): raise TypeError("given input for {} is invalid ({})".format(name, url_)) return url_
[docs] def write_xas_proc( h5_file, entry, process, results, processing_order, data_path="/", overwrite=True, ): """ Write a xas :class:`.Process` into .h5 :param str h5_file: path to the hdf5 file :param str entry: entry name :param process: process executed :type: :class:`.Process` :param results: process result data :type: numpy.ndarray :param processing_order: processing order of treatment :type: int :param data_path: path to store the data :type: str """ process_name = "xas_process_" + str(processing_order) # write the xasproc default information with HDF5File(h5_file, "a") as h5f: nx_entry = h5f.require_group("/".join((data_path, entry))) nx_entry.attrs["NX_class"] = "NXentry" nx_process = nx_entry.require_group(process_name) nx_process.attrs["NX_class"] = "NXprocess" if overwrite: for key in ( "program", "version", "date", "processing_order", "class_instance", "ft", ): if key in nx_process: del nx_process[key] nx_process["program"] = process.program_name() nx_process["version"] = process.program_version() nx_process["date"] = nx_process["processing_order"] = numpy.int32(processing_order) _class = process.__class__ nx_process["class_instance"] = ".".join((_class.__module__, _class.__name__)) nx_data = nx_entry.require_group("data") nx_data.attrs["NX_class"] = "NXdata" nx_data.attrs["signal"] = "data" nx_process_path = if isinstance(results, numpy.ndarray): data_ = {"data": results} else: data_ = results def get_interpretation(my_data): """Return hdf5 attribute for this type of data""" if isinstance(my_data, numpy.ndarray): if my_data.ndim == 1: return "spectrum" elif my_data.ndim in (2, 3): return "image" return None # save results def save_key(key_path, value, attrs): """Save the given value to the associated path. Manage numpy arrays and dictionaries. """ if attrs is not None: assert value is None, "can save value or attribute not both" if value is not None: assert attrs is None, "can save value or attribute not both" key_path = key_path.replace(".", "/") # save if is dict if isinstance(value, dict): h5_path = "/".join((entry, process_name, key_path)) dicttoh5( value, h5file=h5_file, h5path=h5_path, update_mode="replace", mode="a", ) else: with HDF5File(h5_file, "a") as h5f: nx_process = h5f.require_group(nx_process_path) if attrs is None: if key_path in nx_process: del nx_process[key_path] try: nx_process[key_path] = value except TypeError as e: _logger.warning( "Unable to write at {} reason is {}" "".format(str(key_path), str(e)) ) else: interpretation = get_interpretation(value) if interpretation: nx_process[key_path].attrs[ "interpretation" ] = interpretation else: for key, value in attrs.items(): try: nx_process[key_path].attrs[key] = value except Exception as e: _logger.warning(e) for key, value in data_.items(): if isinstance(key, tuple): key_path = "/".join(("results", key[0])) save_key(key_path=key_path, value=None, attrs={key[1]: value}) else: key_path = "/".join(("results", str(key))) save_key(key_path=key_path, value=value, attrs=None) if process.getConfiguration() is not None: h5_path = "/".join((nx_process_path, "configuration")) dicttoh5( process.getConfiguration(), h5file=h5_file, h5path=h5_path, update_mode="add", mode="a", )
[docs] def write_xas( h5_file, entry, energy, mu, sample=None, start_time=None, data_path="/", title=None, definition=None, overwrite=True, ): """ Write raw date in nexus format :param str h5_file: path to the hdf5 file :param str entry: entry name :param sample: definition of the sample :type: :class:`.Sample` :param energy: beam energy (1D) :type: numpy.ndarray :param mu: beam absorption (2D) :type: numpy.ndarray :param start_time: :param str data_path: :param str title: experiment title :param str definition: experiment definition """ h5path = "/".join((data_path, entry)) nx_dict = { "@NX_class": "NXentry", "monochromator": { "@NX_class": "NXmonochromator", "energy": energy, "energy@interpretation": "spctrum", "energy@NX_class": "NXdata", "energy@unit": "eV", }, "absorbed_beam": { "@NX_class": "NXdetector", "data": mu, "data@interpretation": "image", "data@NX_class": "NXdata", }, "data": { "@NX_class": "NXdata", ">energy": "../monochromator/energy", ">absorbed_beam": "../absorbed_beam/data", }, "start_time": start_time, "title": title, "definition": definition, } if overwrite: mode = "w" update_mode = "replace" else: mode = "a" update_mode = "add" dicttonx(nx_dict, h5_file, h5path=h5path, mode=mode, update_mode=update_mode)
[docs] def write_spectrum_saving_pt(h5_file, entry, obj, overwrite=True): """Save the current status of an est object :param str h5_file: path to the hdf5 file :param str entry: entry name :param obj: object to save. :param str obj_name: name of the object to store :param str data_path: """ dicttoh5(obj, h5file=h5_file, h5path=entry, update_mode="replace", mode="a")
[docs] def get_xasproc(h5_file, entry): """ Return the list of all NXxasproc existing at the data_path level :param str h5_file: hdf5 file :param str entry: data location :return: :rtype: list """ def copy_nx_xas_process(h5_group): """copy base information from nx_xas_process""" res = {} res["_h5py_path"] = relevant_keys = ( "program", "version", "data", "parameters", "processing_order", "configuration", "class_instance", "plots", ) from import h5todict for key in h5_group.keys(): # for now we don't want to copy the numpy array (data) if key in relevant_keys: if key == "configuration": config_path = "/".join((, "configuration")) res[key] = h5todict(h5_file, config_path, asarray=False) elif key == "plots": plots_grp = h5_group["plots"] res[key] = {} for plot_key in plots_grp.keys(): res[key][plot_key] = dict(plots_grp[plot_key].attrs.items()) else: res[key] = h5_group[key][...] return res res = [] with HDF5File(h5_file, "a") as h5f: try: root_group = h5f[entry] except KeyError: _logger.warning(entry + " does not exist in " + h5_file) else: for key in root_group.keys(): elmt = root_group[key] if hasattr(elmt, "attrs") and "NX_class" in elmt.attrs: if elmt.attrs["NX_class"] == "NXprocess": nx_xas_proc = copy_nx_xas_process(elmt) if len(nx_xas_proc) == 0: _logger.warning( "one xas process was not readable " "from the hdf5 file at:" + key ) else: res.append(nx_xas_proc) return res
if __name__ == "__main__": import os from est.core.process.pymca.normalization import PyMca_normalization from est.core.process.pymca.exafs import PyMca_exafs from est.core.types import Sample h5_file = "test_xas_123.h5" if os.path.exists(h5_file): os.remove(h5_file) sample = Sample(name="mysample") data = numpy.random.rand(256 * 20 * 10) data = data.reshape((256, 20, 10)) process_data = numpy.random.rand(256 * 20 * 10).reshape((256, 20, 10)) energy = numpy.linspace(start=3.25, stop=3.69, num=256) write_xas(h5_file=h5_file, entry="scan1", sample=sample, energy=energy, mu=data) process_norm = PyMca_normalization() write_xas_proc( h5_file=h5_file, entry="scan1", process=process_norm, results=process_data, processing_order=1, ) process_exafs = PyMca_exafs() process_data2 = numpy.random.rand(256 * 20 * 10).reshape((256, 20, 10)) write_xas_proc( h5_file=h5_file, entry="scan1", process=process_exafs, results=process_data2, processing_order=2, )