Source code for est.tests.pymca.test_pymca_chain

unit test for workflow composed of pymca process

import pytest
import h5py
import numpy
from est.core.process.roi import xas_roi
from import dump_xas
from import read_from_url
from est.core.types import XASObject
from import example_spectra
from import build_ascii_data_url

    import PyMca5
except ImportError:
    PyMca5 = None
    from est.core.process.pymca.exafs import pymca_exafs
    from est.core.process.pymca.ft import pymca_ft
    from est.core.process.pymca.k_weight import pymca_k_weight
    from est.core.process.pymca.normalization import pymca_normalization

[docs] @pytest.mark.skipif(PyMca5 is None, reason="PyMca5 is not installed") def test_pymca_process(filename_cu_from_pymca): """Make sure the process have valid io""" exafs_configuration = { "Knots": {"Values": (1, 2, 5), "Number": 3, "Orders": [3, 3, 3]}, "KMin": 0, "KMax": 2.3, } out = read_from_url( spectra_url=build_ascii_data_url( file_path=filename_cu_from_pymca, col_name="Column 2", scan_title=None, data_slice=None, ), channel_url=build_ascii_data_url( file_path=filename_cu_from_pymca, col_name="Column 1", scan_title=None, data_slice=None, ), ) out.configuration = {"EXAFS": exafs_configuration, "SET_KWEIGHT": 0} out = pymca_normalization(out) out = pymca_exafs(out) out = pymca_k_weight(out) out = pymca_ft(out) assert isinstance(out, XASObject)
[docs] @pytest.mark.skipif(PyMca5 is None, reason="PyMca5 is not installed") def test_pymca_process_with_dict(filename_cu_from_pymca): """Make sure the process have valid io""" exafs_configuration = { "Knots": {"Values": (1, 2, 5), "Number": 3, "Orders": [3, 3, 3]}, "KMin": 0, "KMax": 2.3, } out = read_from_url( spectra_url=build_ascii_data_url( file_path=filename_cu_from_pymca, col_name="Column 2", scan_title=None, data_slice=None, ), channel_url=build_ascii_data_url( file_path=filename_cu_from_pymca, col_name="Column 1", scan_title=None, data_slice=None, ), ) out.configuration = {"EXAFS": exafs_configuration, "SET_KWEIGHT": 0} out = pymca_normalization(out.to_dict()) out = pymca_exafs(out.to_dict()) out = pymca_k_weight(out.to_dict()) out = pymca_ft(out.to_dict()) assert isinstance(out, XASObject) assert[0].ft is not None assert len([0].ft.intensity) > 0
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "roi_size, expected_shape", [((1, 5), (5, 1)), ((-1, -1), (20, 10))] ) @pytest.mark.skipif(PyMca5 is None, reason="PyMca5 is not installed") def test_pymca_with_roi(roi_size, expected_shape): """Make sure the process have valid io""" exafs_configuration = { "Knots": {"Values": (1, 2, 5), "Number": 3, "Orders": [3, 3, 3]}, "KMin": 0, "KMax": 2.3, } energy, spectra = example_spectra(shape=(256, 20, 10)) xas_obj = XASObject( spectra=spectra, energy=energy, ) dict_xas_obj = xas_obj.to_dict() assert "spectra" in dict_xas_obj.keys() assert "energy" in dict_xas_obj.keys() tmp_obj = XASObject.from_dict(dict_xas_obj) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(,[0].energy ) out = xas_roi(dict_xas_obj, roi_origin=(0, 2), roi_size=roi_size) out.configuration = {"EXAFS": exafs_configuration, "SET_KWEIGHT": 0} out = pymca_normalization(out) out = pymca_exafs(out) out = pymca_k_weight(out) out = pymca_ft(out) assert isinstance(out, XASObject) assert out.spectra.shape == expected_shape assert[0].ft is not None assert len([0].ft.intensity) > 0
[docs] @pytest.mark.skipif(PyMca5 is None, reason="PyMca5 is not installed") def test_save_workflow(tmpdir): """Test that the XASObject will saved some results from processes 'dump_xas'""" energy, spectra = example_spectra(shape=(100, 10, 10)) assert spectra.shape == (100, 10, 10) assert len(energy) == spectra.shape[0] xas_obj = XASObject(spectra=spectra, energy=energy, dim1=10, dim2=10) h5_file = str(tmpdir / "output_file.h5") out = pymca_normalization(xas_obj) configuration = { "Knots": {"Values": (1, 2, 5), "Number": 3, "Orders": [3, 3, 3]}, "KMin": 0, "KMax": 2.3, } out = pymca_exafs(out, exafs=configuration) out = pymca_k_weight(out, k_weight=0) out = pymca_ft(out) out = pymca_normalization(out) dump_xas(h5_file, out) with h5py.File(h5_file, "r") as hdf: assert "scan1" in hdf.keys() assert "data" in hdf["scan1"].keys() assert "absorbed_beam" in hdf["scan1"].keys() assert "monochromator" in hdf["scan1"].keys()