Source code for est.tests.test_process_chain

Test manually chaining of processes

import pytest
from est.core.types import XASObject
from import dump_xas

    import larch
except ImportError:
    larch = None
    from est.core.process.larch.autobk import larch_autobk
    from est.core.process.larch.pre_edge import larch_pre_edge
    from est.core.process.larch.xftf import larch_xftf

    import PyMca5
except ImportError:
    PyMca5 = None
    from est.core.process.pymca.normalization import pymca_normalization
    from est.core.process.pymca.exafs import pymca_exafs
    from est.core.process.pymca.ft import pymca_ft
    from est.core.process.pymca.k_weight import pymca_k_weight

[docs] @pytest.fixture() def chain_input(spectrum_cu_from_pymca): xas_obj = XASObject(, spectra=(spectrum_cu_from_pymca,), dim1=1, dim2=1, ) configuration_exafs = { "Knots": {"Values": (1, 2, 5), "Number": 3, "Orders": [3, 3, 3]}, "KMin": 0, "KMax": 2.3, } return xas_obj, configuration_exafs
[docs] @pytest.mark.skipif(PyMca5 is None, reason="PyMca5 is not installed") @pytest.mark.skipif(larch is None, reason="larch is not installed") def test_chain_normalize_autobk_kweight_ft(chain_input): """Test the following chain of process: pymca normalize -> larch autobk -> kweight -> pymca ft """ xas_obj, configuration_exafs = chain_input xas_obj.configuration = {"EXAFS": configuration_exafs} # pymca normalization xas_obj = pymca_normalization(xas_obj) # larch autobk xas_obj = larch_autobk(xas_obj) # k weight xas_obj = pymca_k_weight(xas_obj, k_weight=0) # pymca ft xas_obj = pymca_ft(xas_obj) assert[0].ft.intensity is not None assert len([0].ft.intensity) > 1
[docs] @pytest.mark.skipif(PyMca5 is None, reason="PyMca5 is not installed") @pytest.mark.skipif(larch is None, reason="larch is not installed") def test_chain_preedge_exafs_xftf(chain_input, tmpdir): """Test the following chain of process: larch pre_edge -> pymca exafs -> larch xftf """ xas_obj, configuration_exafs = chain_input # larch pre edge xas_obj = larch_pre_edge(xas_obj) # pymca exafs xas_obj = pymca_exafs(xas_obj, exafs=configuration_exafs) # for now we cannot link xftf because chi is not set by pymca exafs spectrum_0 =[0] assert spectrum_0.post_edge is not None assert spectrum_0.chi is not None assert spectrum_0.k is not None # larch xftf xas_obj = larch_xftf(xas_obj) dump_xas(str(tmpdir / "output_file.h5"), xas_obj)